2019 PRINCE STIRBEY - Rosé Dragasani IGT, Romania
IMPORTANT - delivery only within Germany
As with all our wines, the Rosés are made from one single grape variety, in this case from best quality Cabernet Sauvignon fermented like a white wine. After letting the mash stand for a brief spell, just long enough for the juice to attain the typical fruitiness of this variety, the tannin-accented skins are separated from the juice in the press.
The result is an independent, self-contained wine full of fresh power, the perfect companion for smoked fish or cured ham, or to buoy up a summertime evening barbecue. It is a dashing alternative for meals when guests are uncertain whether to serve red or white.
How to serve
How to serve
Sparkling and Light-Bodied White Wines - “Ice Cold” between 3-7°C
Rosé and Full-Bodied White Wines - “Fridge Cold” between 7-12°C
Light and Medium-Bodied Red Wines - “Cool” between 12-15°C
Bold Red Wines:“Slightly Cool” between 15-20°C
Dessert Wines - Depends on style
How to store
How to store
When preserved correctly, wine can last for decades, even centuries, growing in value and quality. But poor storage can spoil even the greatest wines in the world. These are a few aspects you should keep in mind: Store Wine at the Proper Temperature; Store wine bottles horizontally; Protect wine from light and vibration; Store wine at the proper humidity; Store wine in a wine fridge, not a regular fridge; Serve wine at the proper temperature; Store open bottles of wine properly
How to recycle
How to recycle
Up to 90% of new glass can be made from recycled glass. If you’re getting ready for a night out on the town, drink consciously and remember to keep your empties and then bring to the bottle bank. If you’re hoping to leave future generations with a healthy-ish and useful environment, then recycling wine bottles is the way forward and it doesn’t take much effort.
Get to know us
We love wine and we love spending time outdoors. We designed Pointer Wine Glass to make drinking wine with style possible, anytime and anywhere. Let us take you on a journey back to where it started.